The faculty of the PA Studies Department are scholars who actively research many areas of inquiry including professional PA practice, teaching and learning, social determinants of health, health equity, and various medical specialties. They work collaboratively with colleagues across professions, disciplines, and institutions.
Explore Our Faculty Research
- Brandon Beattie, MMSc, PA-C, Assistant Professor of PA Studies
Beattie B, Reed, H, 'No, Thank You' For Your Service, Journal of the American Academy of Physician Assistants, December 2021
- Souheil Ghannouchi, PhD, Assistant Professor of PA Studies
J. Barton Gillum; Nicole DeVaul; Souheil Ghannouchi, Post-Baccalaureate Pre-Medicine Programs: A Non-Traditional Route to Graduate Medical Education, Handbook of Research on Advising and Developing the Pre-Health Professional Student, Lisa Schwartz and Rohini Ganjoo, IGI Global Publishers, 2021 Nov,
- J. Barton Gillum, DSc, PA-C, Director, PostBacc Program, Assistant Professor of PA Studies
J. Barton Gillum, DSc, MHS, PA-C, Post-Baccalaureate Education: A non-traditional route to Physician Assistant School, Journal of Physician Assistant Education, 2020 Dec, The Journal of Physician Assistant Education: December 2020 - Volume 31 - Issue 4 - p 185-188 doi: 10.1097/JPA.0000000000000323
Book Chapters:
1. [Book] J. Barton Gillum, Nicole DeVaul, Souheil Ghannouchi, Post-Baccalaureate Pre-Medicine Programs: A Non-Traditional Route to Graduate Medical Education, Advising and Developing the Pre-health Professional, Lisa Schwartz, Rohini Ganjoo, IGI Global, 2021 Jun, Submitted for review
2. [Other] J. Barton Gillum, DSc, MHS, PA-C, Orthostatic Hypotension and Vasovagal Syncope, The JAAPA QRS Review for PAs, Reamer L. Bushardt, Wolters Kluwer Health, 2021, 978-1975143817, 2020 May
URL: https://shop.lww.com/The-JAAPA-QRS-Review-fo...3. [Other] J. Barton Gillum, DSc, MHS, PA-C, Testicular Torsion, The JAAPA QRS Review for PAs, Reamer L. Bushardt, Wolters Kluwer Health, 2021, 978-1975143817, 2020 May
URL: https://shop.lww.com/The-JAAPA-QRS-Review-fo..4. [Other] J. Barton Gillum, DSc, MHS, PA-C, Gonorrhea and Chlamydia, The JAAPA QRS Review for PAs, Reamer L. Bushardt, Wolters Kluwer Health, 2021, 978-1975143817, 2020 May
URL: https://shop.lww.com/The-JAAPA-QRS-Review-fo...5. [Other] J. Barton Gillum, DSc, MHS, PA-C, Phenylketonuria (PKU), The JAAPA QRS Review for PAs, JAAPA, Wolters Kluwer Health, 2021, 978-1975143817, 2020 May
URL: https://shop.lww.com/The-JAAPA-QRS-Review-fo.. - Debra Herrmann, DHSc, MPH, PA-C
Assistant Professor of PA Studies -
- Maura Polansky, Debra Herrmann, Diana Dolmans, Marjan Govaerts, Ulrich Koch, Jeff Berger, Renee Stalmeijer, Exploring residents’ perceptions of PA and NP roles and barriers to collaboration, Journal of the American Academy of PAs, 2021 May
- Debra Herrmann, Demystifying Arterial Blood Gases. Physician Assistant Clinic. Accepted for publication January 2019.
- Goldman EF, Plack MM, Scott AR, Pintz C, Herrmann D, Kline K, Thompson T, and Brundage SB. (2017). Systems Thinking and Systems-Based Practice Across the Health Professions: An Inquiry into Definitions, Teaching Practices, and Assessment. Journal of Teaching and Learning
- Ahdeah Pajoohesh-Ganji, Tracy Blanchard, Debra Herrmann, Training scientists to become effective educators, Experimental Biology 2022 Conference, 2021 Nov
- Paige McDonald, Howard Straker, Jaqueline Barnett. Debra Herrmann, Karen Schlumpf. Connecting Classrooms, Clinicians and Community Clinics for Active Learning: Leveraging Technology in PA Education, SoTL GW Teaching Day 2018, 2018 September.
Book Chapters:
- Herrmann, Debra, Subluxations/Dislocations: Shoulder, Elbow (Nursemaid's Elbow), JAAPA Quick Review Series for Physician Assistants, Bushardt, Wolters Kluwer Health: Medical Education, 2021 Sep
- Debra Allen Herrmann, Fractures: Forearm, Wrist, Hand, JAAPA Quick Review Series for Physician Assistants, Bushardt, Wolters Kluwer Health: Medical Education, 2021 Sep
- Debra Allen Herrmann, Transition to Professional Practice, Ballweg's Physician Assistant: A Guide to Clinical Practice, 7e, Tamara Ritsema, Elsevier, 2021 May
- Susan LeLacheur, DrPH, PA-C
Professor of PA Studies -
- Susan LeLacheur, Howard Straker, How to Talk About Race, Power, & Privilege, Physician Assistant Education Association Annual Education Forum, 2021 Oct
- Shani Fleming, Elizabeth Bunting, Rachel Chappel, Susan LeLacheur and Susan White, Understanding and Meeting Diversity Standards, Physician Assistant Education Association Annual Education Forum, 2021 Oct
- Nicole Burwell, Chris Roman, Susan LeLacheur and Tracy Jackson, How Do Geographic and Demographic Factors Influence Physician Assistant Faculty Salary?, Physician Assistant Education Association Annual Education Forum, virtual conference, 2021 Oct
- Susan LeLacheur, Howard Straker, The Influence of Racism on Clinician Wellness, Here Comes the Sun Virtual Clinician Wellness Summit, 2021 Apr, Alaska Academy of Physician Assistants
- LeLacheur S, Bester V, Huggins-Oxendine L, Bradley-Guidry C, Ryujin D, Samuels K, Maldonado A, Bowen D, Himmerick K, Minority Physician Assistant Faculty: A Phenomenological Assessment of Factors Leading to Retention in the Faculty Role, accepted for publication J Physician Assist Educ. 2019.
- DiBaise M, Tshuma L, Ryujin D, LeLacheur, SF. A Descriptive Study of Perceived Discrimination, Harassment and Abuse in Physician Assistant Education. J Physician Assist Educ. 2018; 29(2): 77-85.
- LeLacheur SF. (invited submission) HIV Preexposure Prophylaxis in Women, NEJM Journal Watch, Women’s Health, Feature Article, online publication 2018.
Book Chapters:
- Susan LeLacheur, Cultural Competence, Physician Assistant, a Guide to Clinical Practice, Tamara Ritsema, Elsevier, 9780323401128, 2021
- LeLacheur, SF. Gastroenterology, LeLacheur, SF. Gastroenterology, AAPA Comprehensive Review for the Certification and Recertification Examinations, 6th Ed., Williams & Wilkins, 2018, revised from prior editions published 1999, 2004, 2007, 2010, 2015
- LeLacheur, SF. Complementary and Integrative Medicine, Physician Assistant, a Guide to Clinical Practice, July 2017
- LeLacheur, SF. Cultural Competence, Physician Assistant, a Guide to Clinical Practice, July 2017, 5th Ed., Williams & Wilkins, 2013, revised from prior editions published 1999, 2004, 2007, 2010, 2014 & 2017
Peer Reviewed Research Briefs:
- “A Phenomenological Assessment of Minority Faculty Retention.” Research presentation with SD. Ryujin and K. Samuels, Physician Assistant Education Association Annual Education Forum, Denver, CO, October 2017
- “A Descriptive Study of Perceived Discrimination, Harassment and Abuse in Physician Assistant Education.” Poster presentation with M. DiBaise, L. Tshuma, D. Ryujin, and S. LeLacheur, American Academy of Physician Assistants National Conference, Las Vegas, NV, May, 2017. Research presentation Physician Assistant Education Association Annual Education Forum, Denver, CO, October 2017
Professional Presentations:
- “Teaching Social Determinants of Health and Healthcare” with K Wright Physician Assistant Education Association Annual Education Forum, Denver, CO, October 2017
- Tamara Ritsema, PhD, MPH, MMSc, PA-C/R
Associate Professor of PA Studies -
- Book: Physician Assistant: a guide to clinical practice, 7th edition, Ritsema TS, Brown D, Vetrosky DS, 2021
- Ritsema TS, Roberts KA. Explosive growth of British PA programs. Journal of Physician Assistant Education. 2019;(1) epub ahead of print
- Ritsema TS. Diverting Dementia: scientific evidence for reducing risk of developing dementias. Journal of the American Academy of Physician Assistants. 2018;31(12):13-19.
- Ritsema TS, Smith N, Cawley JF. Physician Assistants in Urgent Care. Journal of the American Academy of Physician Assistants 2018;31(8):40-44
- Ritsema TS, Klinger AM. Can physician assistants help address the pressing public health problem of rising maternal mortality? Journal of the American Academy of Physician Assistants 2018;31(6):11-12
- Ritsema TS, Pines J, Zocchi M, Venkat A, A Comparison of Emergency Physician and Advanced Practice Provider Diagnostic Testing and Admission Decisions in ED Visits for Abdominal or Chest Pain, Physician Assistant Education Association, 2021 Oct
- Ritsema TS, PAs Around the World, Royal College of Paediatrics Physician Associate Workforce Conference, 2021 Oct
- Ritsema TS, Gillingham AC, The Role of the Physician Associate in the NHS Workshop, Royal College of Paediatrics Physician Associate Workforce Conference, 2021 Oct
- Ritsema TS, Physician Assistants and Federal Service, Interagency Institute for Federal Healthcare Leaders, 2021 Oct
- Howard Straker, EdD, MPH, PA-C
Director, Physician Assistant-Master of Public Health Program
Assistant Professor of PA Studies
Assistant Professor, Prevention and Community Health -
- McDonald PL, Weaver, C, Barnett JS & Straker HO, Virtual connections between the classrooms, clinicians, and community clinics to bridge the gap between research and practice,, Medical Teacher, 2021 Aug,
- Paige L. McDonald, Gregory C. Weaver, Jacqueline S. Barnett & Howard O. Straker (2021): C4Tech: Virtual connections between the classrooms, clinicians, and community clinics to bridge the gap between research and practice, Medical Teacher, DOI: 10.1080/0142159X.2021.1951692
- Primary Care Collaborative Oral Health Advisory Group, Innovations in Oral Health and Primary Care Integration: Alignment with the Shared Principles of Primary Care, Primary Care Collaborative website, 2021 Mar
- McDonald P., Straker, H., Weaver, G., Barnett, J., Herrmann, D., & Schlumpf. Connecting Classrooms, Clinicians and Community Clinics for Active Learning: Leveraging Technology in PA Education. Poster at the George Washington University Teaching Day, September 2018, Washington, DC. DOI:10.13140/RG.2.2.14723.96806
- Experience of Commitment: A Phenomenological Study of the Lived Experience of Primary Care Physician Commitment for Practice in Urban Medically Underserved Communities. Straker, HO. 2018 (doctoral dissertation).
- Leveraging E-learning for pedagogical innovation in PA education. Journal of Physician Assistant Education. Straker HO, McDonald PL, Barnett JS, Collins A.. 2018; 29(1)62-66.
1. [Invited Panel] Straker, H & LeLacheur S., How to Talk About Race, Power, and Privilege in Healthcare Settings, PAEA Educational Forum 2021, 2021 Oct
2. [Paper Presentation] VanderMeulen S, Synder J, Alexander L, Bowser J, Straker H, Kohlhepp W, Pipeline to the PA Profession: A Look to the Future, PAEA Educational Forum 2021, 2021 Oct
- Marianne Vail, DHSc, PA-C
Assistant Professor of PA Studies -
- Maring J, Vail M, Wright KA, Tebbenhoff B, Canova K, Costello E. Attitudes toward academic dishonesty in health profession students. J Allied Health 2018 Winter;47(4):e97-3103.
International Presentation:
- Marianne Vail, Skin Infections and Infestations, RCSI University of Medicine and Health Sciences, Physician Associate Programme, Dublin, Ireland, 2021 Jun
Comments: Presentation provided via Blackboard Collaborate
Book Chapters:
- Marianne Vail, Chapter 37: Acne Vulgaris, The JAAPA QRS Review for PAs, Bushardt, R.L, Colomb-Lippa, D.M., Klinger, A.M., & Reed, H.L., Wolters Kluwer, 13: 978-1-975143-81-7, 2021
- Marianne Vail, Chapter 38: Rosacea, The JAAPA QRS Review for PAs, Bushardt, R.L, Colomb-Lippa, D.M., Klinger, A.M., & Reed, H.L., Wolters Kluwer, 13: 978-1-975143-81-7, 2021
- Marianne Vail, Chapter 49: Actinic Keratosis, Seborrheic Dermatitis, and Seeborrheic Keratosis, The JAAPA QRS Review for PAs, Bushardt, R.L, Colomb-Lippa, D.M., Klinger, A.M., & Reed, H.L., Wolters Kluwer, 13: 978-1-975143-81-7, 2022
- Nate' le' ge' Wardlow, MPH, PA-C, Assistant Professor of PA Studies
- Dr. Debra Herrmann, Natelege Wardlow, Direct Observation and Assessment of Clinical Skills, Physician Assistant Education Association, 2021 Oct
- Karen A. Wright, PhD, PA-C Director, Physician Assistant Program,
Assistant Professor of Physician Assistant Studies -
- Maring J, Vail M, Wright KA, Tebbenhoff B, Canova K, Costello E. Attitudes toward academic dishonesty in health profession students. J Allied Health 2018 Winter;47(4):e97-3103.
- Peterson ED, Hussaini SS, Murfin M, Smith BJ, Polansky M, Mast J, Klingler A, Peterson PR, Wright KA. Specialty certification and clinical flexibility. JAAPA. Accepted June 2018.
- Wright KA. Trends among PA Program Directors in the United States, 2000-2015. Physician Assistant Education Association Research Fellows Meeting, January 2018.
- LeLacheur S, Wright KA. Teaching Social Determinants of Health and Health Care. Physician Assistant Education Association Forum, Denver, CO. October 2017.
- Mary L. Warner, DBH, PA-C Department Chair, PA Studies, Associate Professor of PA Studies
Select Publications:
- Warner, M. Diffusion of the PA Concept and System Changes, Ch. 3 in Physician Assistants as Social Innovators, PA History Society, June 2022.
- Valentin, V. Najmabadi, S. Warner, M. White, R. Dehn, R. Initial Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Physician Assistant Education, The Journal of Physician Assistant Education. 33(2):78-86, June 2022
- Valentin V, Najambadi S, Jones I, Warner M, van den Brink G, Dehn R. Covid-19 impact on International Physician Associate Educational Programs. MedEdPublish, 2021, https://doi.org/10.15694/mep.2021.000116.1
- Berkowitz O, Goldgar C, White S, Warner ML. A National Survey of Quality Improvement Education in Physician Assistant Programs. Journal of Physician Assistant Education, 2019 Mar; 30(1):1-8.
- Kayingo G, Gilani O, Kidd VD, Warner ML. Patient-Centered Medical Home Exposure and Its Impact on PA Career Intentions. Family Medicine. 2016 Oct; 48(9):725-730. PMID: 27740673
- Kayingo G, Deon Kidd V, Gilani O, Warner ML. Primary Care Teams, Composition, Roles, and Satisfaction of PA Students During Primary Care Rotations. Journal of Physician Assistant Education, 2015 Jun; 26(2):88-92.
- Berkowitz O, White S, Goldgar C, Brisotti M, Warner M. Defining Quality Improvement Education for Physician Assistants, Journal of Physician Assistant Education. 2014:25(4):55-60.
Recent Presentations:
- Warner, M. Pitcher, M. Hache, M. Bellisle, K. Barriers and Facilitators to the Adoption of Pain Management Guidelines after an Adaptive Learning CME, American Academy of Addiction Psychiatry Annual Meeting, virtual, December 2021.
- Warner, M, with RMAC leaders, From Start to Finish: Navigating the Research Process, PAEA Annual Forum, October 2021.
- Warner, M. Wick, K. Garino, A. Min, E. Using Data to Advance Your Program's DEI Goals, PAEA DEI Webinar Series, Part I, September, 2021.
- Allen, A., Murphy R., VanderMeulen, S., Warner M. Navigating New Program Development, Physician Assistant Education Association Annual Meeting, Denver, CO, October 2017.
- Warner, M. White, S. Reffel, A. Negotiating on Behalf of Your Program, Physician Assistant Education Association Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, MN, October 2016.